Enjoy these pics from the weekend!
Our tent (which we love) set up right by the creek. We were able to sit inside the tent in the middle of the day because it was shaded just right with a breeze coming thru the screen!
Scott, Duncan & Carrie on the 4-wheeler. They had so much fun with Daddy riding around camp and up & down the road. Carrie is getting quite good at controlling the trottle. (heaven help us) She thinks that she needs her own machine now. Maybe....
Carrie & Scott shooting mom's gun. She did rather well- hitting the coke can several times in a row!
Duncan & Scott shooting. Oh- and of course Copper. She has to be right there with you whenever the gun comes out. It is funny, but good for Scott since he is working with her to be his "hunting dog".
Carrie & Duncan sitting around the campfire. They love their tiny chairs to sit on. It makes them feel important~ or something.
Scott & Copper around the fire. He is always good to get a nice fire going. I'm starting to see his Boy Scout skills being put to good use!
Duncan asleep in his sleeping bag. I know that it is hard to see him, but Scott wouldn't let me take another picture of him for fear of him waking up from the flash! (yes, his sleeping bag is camo)